Facts and Truth and Rock and Roll
The Great Ian Dury!
Fact Update as requested (honest!) 12th June 2020
Deaths Deaths/miliion pop.
Belgium 9500 850
UK 41000 620
Spain 27000 580
Italy 34000 565
Sweden 4800 470
France 29000 440
Ireland 1700 350
Netherlands 6000 350
USA 115000 350
Switzerland 1900 230
Canada 8000 220
Ecuador 3700 220
Brazil 41000 195
Mexico 16000 125
Germany 8800 105
Russia 6500 45
India 8500 6
UK Lockdown slowly being loosened, kids not returning to school until September, shops, bars may all be allowed to open by July 4th, 2 metre social distancing being demanded to be reduced to one metre, tests CAPACITY reached 260,000 including a maximum of 80,000/day on “new people” and 40,000/day “antibody tests” largely on Frontline workers only, TEST-TRACE results showing that one third of the very small amount so far tested positive have not provided contact details, and the NHS App still not available, U-Turns now include both LABS and Test/Trace data to finally be shared with and involve local already established NHS infrastructure (including, finally, GPs!!!), ONS Total Deaths due to Covid-19 close to 66,000 including 24,000 in Care Homes. PLUS, rather bizarrely, after the horse has bolted, the UK is requiring quarantining for 14 days for new arrivals in the UK. How effective the process, or results of this suggestion, will be reported in these very pages, as soon as anyone knows!
deaths, China of course has long since denied large numbers of deaths (citations below)
TREATMENTS & VACCINES Universities of Oxford and Edinburgh have discovered that there were at least 1300 “introductions” of the virus into the UK to start spreading it, with 33% from Spain, and 30% from France. They’ve also identified that the protein that the SARS-CoV-2 virus uses to enter HUMAN cells which is called SPIKE attaches itself to a second human protein (the first is called ACE2, the second is called Neuropilin-1 or NRP1) and so (phew!) if you get an antibody forming in the human body which can attach itself to NRP1, you can BLOCK infection of humans by the virus. Hooray. Researchers at the Universities in Bristol, UK and Munich, Germany, are studying this now at great speed.
VIRAL SPREAD is STILL MOST halted by Face-to-Face contact. This has been confirmed in trials in several countries from Germany to Vietnam, from USA to the UK. Thus it is DEFINITE that transfer of virus and therefore infection is MOST LIKELY to occur via close contact from sneezing, coughing or saliva transfer from MOUTH to NOSE. FACT!
Hydroxychloroquine is now being tested as of today in trials worldwide, but so far, the only results of any tests occurring have proved INCONCLUSIVE, and even for some, NEGATIVE, but the antiviral drug, as stated here, Remdesivir, has been confirmed to certainly shorten the length of recovery for many Covid-19 patients. FACT!
Vaccine trials continue in the USA, Germany and in the UK at many locations, now including Imperial College London, where Phase One and Two trials with 300 people are commencing June 15th, 2020. The Oxford University vaccine trials have reached Phase Three, and between the two candidates, it is HOPED that there will be an imminent manufacture of a fast track vaccine from October onwards!
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